The web site of tovarishivan

Go For a Punch Search

First, allow me to introduce myself, hi UwU, I'm TovarishIvan, also known as Mordecai The Edgelord, I made this site with the search of Go for a Punch in mind, however I also added some more stuff that I like, so, enjoy!

Yes, I know this doesn't look great right now, but I'll clean it up eventually.

Also, pls, my gamer pc is broken beyond repair, and getting a new one costs as much as a repair, pls donate :( If you donate you'll have my eternal gratitude, and the comfort that you helped a fellow human being.

Table of Contents

Go For A Punch Related Content:

Not Go For A Punch Related:

My Youtube Channel :3


March 6th 2024: The blog has been removed, sorry to the 2 people that actually read it, but the risk of someone finding it is too big now, so it had to be removed.

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